Gardens can offer us some life lessons if we only ponder about them long enough to be taught. Looking back on the last season, I find that I should try to learn from my past. If you have a garden, think about all of the fruit that comes from hard work. Sometimes I know that we don’t want to reflect on our previous garden, just press on to the next season. (We like to live only for the future). There can be spiritual lessons from the garden. Let us contemplate how we might grow more effectively.

Plan Ahead
Do you plan out your garden or just wing it? What about your year? I am a planner, my husband likes to fly by the seat of his pants. There is nothing wrong with either, except, planning gives you a goal and then you’ll know if you have achieved it or not. Your garden will do better if you plan it out, at least somewhat. Life will turn out a little more like your expectations if you take the time to figure out what you want from it. Last year I forgot to plant zucchini because I didn’t write down my favorite veggies. This year I learned to write down all our favorites, so we wouldn’t miss any. If you plan your year, even if it’s a rough draft, you may be less likely to miss out on something.
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Beauty Isn’t Everything
We endeavor our gardens look nice. Just like we don’t want to look like a slob. But function, health, and education are all purposes of life as well. I’ve found that a garden can look interesting and function well but not be the prettiest one on the block. As in life, we may not be Cinderella but we can find what is interesting and functional and learn from life as we go along. Those are the things that will last, not our beauty. “…beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30. I’d rather my body function well than be beautiful.
Learn From Your Mistakes
Did you plant a garden last year? Me too. Did it go ok? Think back and write down what went well and what didn’t. What went well in my life last year? What didn’t? Maybe I should write that down. Learn to collaborate with other gardeners or homesteaders. We can help each other.
Perseverance is a necessary fruit to cultivate both in our lives and in gardening. There may be setbacks, but if we keep trying, we will hopefully gain knowledge and wisdom that wasn’t there before. Last gardening year, I placed cardboard in the areas where I wanted to start my lasagna gardening, but I failed to put cardboard on the paths on top of the grass. The result? I had grass and weeds climbing up into my garden. I will not do it that way again. Cardboard all around this time.

A Good Foundation is Key
Just like good soil is the foundation of a garden, we need to have a good foundation in our life. Jesus is my foundation. He is the rock I stand on. What is your foundation? Our plants need well manurered ( I know, I just made that word up), and composted soil with lots of microbiomes. Bring the right combination of nutrients and the bugs will come. If we focus on the right ingredients in our spiritual wellness, such as prayer, reading the Word, and meditating on the Word, we will reap a life well planted.
When I tried to plant seeds or plant starts with no soil amendments, then I found the plants were lacking. So when I don’t take time to invest in my life spiritually, then I will lack what is necessary to bring peace, joy, and love.
You Reap What You Sow
When you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. If you want to have a bountiful harvest in your veggie or fruit gardens, it’s important to plan how many plants you want. Per how much of that food you will eat or preserve. If I just pick random numbers then what benefit is that to me? When I am speaking into others’ lives continually, I can expect to reap good things more often. When I take care of my plants well, then they will show it in how they grow. If I love others well, then I will help them to bloom.
Timing is Everything
Know when to start seeds, plant out your seedlings, and harvest at the right times. In life, we need to know when to speak and when to be quiet. Speaking too much or oversharing can hamper our witness of Jesus. When I first started to garden many years ago, I just would wing it. I never had a plan and I didn’t research what to do very thoroughly. When we speak to others about Jesus or just listen to them about their life, we need to have a plan, asking them questions instead of judging and telling them what we think they should do. Listen more than you talk. This is always a wise course of action.
Timing of speaking into others’ lives is essential. If they are going through something hard, this may or may not be the right time to share with them that they are doing things wrong. Did you know there is a certain time of day to pick your herbs? Usually, before they flower, in spring — early summer(if you want to preserve them, and earlier in the day before the sun dissipates their oils. Always wait until the dew has evaporated if you want to dehydrate. When we are aware of how another is feeling or what it happening in their life, we can adjust our posture, being a good friend.

Variety is the Spice of Life
Planting a variety of plants throughout our gardens helps with beneficial bugs. It confuses the pests and attracts the aphid eaters! Ha! Plant some natives and flowers in with your veggies. In life, we can get stuck in a rut and certain ways of thinking. Getting out and doing new things, and meeting new people can bring enjoyment to our lives. If we always hang out with Christians, how will we minister to those who need Jesus?
Location, Location, Location
Location is everything. Do you have a lot of shade? Learn what grows well in the shade. In life, we can learn that sometimes we need to move on with a relationship, a job, a church, whatever. Listen to what you feel God is telling you, and ask for peace about your decision. Don’t just stay stuck there and be miserable without knowing why you’re having a hard time. Sometimes, God calls us to hard places but sometimes we just don’t want to leave because it’s hard to change and grow.
When I first moved here, summer was already starting and I had all these plants my wonderful new husband had bought for me. I felt elated, yet stressed because they all needed to go in the ground, now! So, we thought we found an area in the backyard where there was some sun. The backyard has a lot of shade. We were wrong, the area we chose only had about 2-4 hours of sun. So now that garden is our part shade garden where I grow Cilantro, lettuce, Spinach, Swiss Chard, and others. As it turns out lots of produce loves shade, but not the tomatoes and peppers.
Stop and Smell the Roses, Dang It!
Taking time to stop and sit and be still is important, in our gardening experience and life. Sitting at the end of our day and looking over the garden can help us to wonder. God wants us to stop and be still and sit there at his feet more often. We can be a very busy people. Let’s let our gardens speak to us, and find some refreshment there. If we are just going all the time and never enjoying it, what is it all for? I know that your reason for gardening may have more practical reasons than just for aesthetics, but let’s pause once in a while. I know I need to.

Crap isn’t the End
Just like in life, the things that stink aren’t always that bad. Manure can be recreated into something wonderful for the garden. In life, crappy things happen, but if we let God take it out of our hands, he can help us to grow. We have started a worm bin at our house and the castings (worm poo) are the bee’s knees! It can go on plants that have issues in the garden and help new seedlings grow healthier.

Bonus Lesson-Generosity!
When I lived in Nebraska, I would have so much zucchini and tomatoes, that we were always giving it away! I enjoyed being able to share with others. Hopefully, now that I am in a new state that doesn’t get as hot, I will figure out the climate and be able to grow more abundantly and be able to be generous with my produce again. Also, giving of our time, and listening to others who may need a shoulder to lean on, can be a blessing to others. Pray how God can use you each day and see what happens!
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